I just learned this quick easy trick to batch resizing and thought I’d share. It’s really helpful for converting all your pictures to web-friendly sizes.
In Photoshop, go to File > Scripts > Load Files in Stack
In the dialogue, you can choose to load a whole folder or to select files. I like doing files because I like to do vertical (portrait) pictures in one batch and horizontal (landscape) in another batch. When you’re in the open files dialogue, you can right click and choose “sort by…”. Normally you’d sort by file type or size or something. Instead choose “more” and in the options scroll until you find “Height” and check the box for that. It’ll appear in your options then. Then Sort By height. It will sort all your pictures by landscape or portrait.
Once you’ve chosen what pictures you want to resize, make sure both of the bottom boxes are NOT checked and then click OK.
It will take a little bit for everything to load. Just sit back and let it do its thing.
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When it’s done, you will have all of your pictures loaded up with each picture as a different layer in the same document.
Go to Image > Image Size (or quickly bring it up with Ctrl+Alt+I). Set your image to a smaller size. I like to keep my pictures still a nice sort of big size so they show up on screens with higher resolutions, but not so big that the file sizes are crazy. I think 1000px is a good size for the long side. Make sure all the bottom boxes are checked. Click OK.
ALL of those images you opened are now the smaller size!! It’s great. Now you need to take all those downsized layers and turn them back into individual files. Go again to File > Scripts and this time choose Export Layers to files.
In the dialogue, choose where you want your new files to go. I like to make a sub-folder within my original place named “Small” for easy tracking. You can also set a prefix. All the files will be labeled with this prefix, which is handy to distinguish them from the originals. None of the boxes need to be checked. Choose your file type as .jpg. Hit OK and let it run.
That’s it! Now everything is smaller. This process is really really quick and really really helpful! Like I said, it works best if you do portraits as one batch and landscapes as another batch. It takes maybe 5 minutes per batch, so 10 minutes total to resize as many pictures as you want all at once!